Medal for the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the occasion on the unveiling the statue of Adam Mickiewicz in Paris
Commemorative medal on the occasion of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Adam Mickiewicz medallion
Decorative button with Adam Mickiewicz’s bust
Medal on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the occasion of moving Adam Mickiewicz’s ashes to Cracow
Medal on the occasion of moving Adam Mickiewicz’s ashes to Cracow
Medallion on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s birthday
Commemorative medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s birthday
Plaquette with Adam Mickiewicz’s bust
Adam Mickiewicz medallion
Medal commemorating the 150th anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz’s stay in Śmiełów
Medal on the 30th anniversary of Museum of Literature
Plaquette on the occasion of 150th anniversary of Adam Mickiewicz stay in Poznań (opus 1116)
Medal in honour of Adam Mickiewicz
Medal in honour of the College de France professors
Model of a tableau with images of Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Słowacki and Zygmunt Krasiński
Medalion with a scene from “Pan Tadeusz” [Sir Thaddeus] by Adam Mickiewicz – Zosia feeding the birds in the garden
Medalion with a scene from “Pan Tadeusz” [Sir Thaddeus] by Adam Mickiewicz – Gerwazy and Protazy
Commemorative medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s birthday
Medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medal on the centenary of Adam Mickiewicz’s death
Medallion with the image of Adam Mickiewicz
Adam Mickiewicz, Jules Michelet and Edgar Quinet madallion
Adam Mickiewicz medallion
Adam Mickiewicz medallion
Adam Mickiewicz medallion
Medal commemorating the unveiling of the Adam Mickiewicz monument in Kraków
Medal commemorating the transfer of Adam Mickiewicz’s ashes to Kraków
Commemorative medallion on the occasion of bringing the corpse of Adam Mickiewicz to Krakow